Respite inc Short Term Accommodation

Respite – Short Term Accommodation

With the choice and control offered under the NDIS, participants have a greater range of providers and types of services to choose from that offer respite to carers and participants. Respite care is seen by the NDIA as central to the participant as family and carers are recognised as playing a very important role – that of informal support.

Respite support can be in the form of informal care from friends or family (which is not funded by the NDIS) or formal care through paid in-home services or accommodation-based services (which is funded by the NDIS).

The NDIS price guide states that ‘from time to time, participants may require temporary supports that are different from their usual arrangements’, although there is currently there is no item listed under NDIS specifically as ‘respite’. Funding however is available, but in terms such as:

  • Short Term Accommodation & Assistance – Facility or residential based stays for short periods of up to 14 days at a time
  • Assistance in self care overnight – in-home respite
  • Alternative family care: family and friends may be able to help with caring responsibilities while the primary carer takes a break.

A short stay away from home:

  • gives the participant the chance to try new things
  • can be a place to make new friends or develop new skills
  • may help to maintain the participants current living situation by giving their informal supports a break.
  • Short Term Accommodation may suit your participants needs if their usual support network isn’t available for a short period.

Short Term Accommodation includes:

  • personal care
  • accommodation
  • food
  • activities

The NDIS funds up to 28 days of Short Term Accommodation per year, depending on your participants plan. STA funding can be used flexibly. For example, it could be used in a block of up to 14 days at a time or for one weekend a month. Our STA respite care can be arranged for a day, overnight, a weekend, a holiday or longer – for up to 2 weeks, depending on the carers and participants needs, eligibility and what services are available in the local area.

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